Apoyo a la paciente de cáncer de mama
Usted no está sola
Sabemos que, como paciente o sobreviviente de cáncer de mama, usted y su familia tienen necesidades especiales, durante como después del tratamiento de esta enfermedad. En el Centro de Mama en el Carondelet St. Mary's Hospital queremos que sepa que usted no está sola.
Grupo de apoyo para el cáncer de mama
Cada mes ofrecemos una oportunidad para que usted y los miembros de su familia se reúnan y se apoyen mutuamente y aprendan algo nuevo que los ayude en el proceso de sanación. Proporcionamos refrigerios ligeros.
Cuándo: El primer miércoles de cada mes, de 5:30 a 7:00 p. m.
Dónde: Holy Family Center, 1802 West. St. Mary's Road
Más información: Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Jennifer Qualls, RN, MSN, a través del (520) 872-4310.
Grupo de apoyo — Cáncer de mama
Sabemos que los pacientes con cáncer del seno, los sobrevivientes de cáncer del seno y sus familiares tienen necesidades especiales, durante y después del tratamiento del cáncer. Cada mes ofrecemos una oportunidad para que nuestros pacientes y sus familiares se junten, ofrezcan apoyo mutuo y aprendan algo nuevo para ayudar en el proceso de sanación. Se proveerá una merienda.
Nuestros grupos de apoyo para el cáncer de mama son gratis y se ofrecen:
- El primer miércoles de cada mes, 5:30 a 7:00 p. m.
- Holy Family Center, 1802 W. St. Mary's Road
- Para más información, por favor llame a Jennifer Qualls, RN, MSN, al(520) 872-4310.
American Cancer Society
Provides a variety of services and programs for patients and families including educational programs, cancer information, support resources, and referrals for financial assistance. Some offices may provide transportation assistance, mentoring services, lodging programs, wigs and prosthesis fittings.
Cancer Care
Support services include counseling provided by oncology social workers, education, financial and practical assistance. Some co-payment assistance for pharmaceutical products and limited financial grants are available (must meet eligibility requirements).
Cancer information from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Offers education and information on a variety of cancer control topics including treatment, coping, and survivorship.
Fertile Hope
Reproductive information, support and hope to cancer patients and survivors whose medical treatments present the risk of infertility.
FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered
Provides information for individuals affected by hereditary breast and ovarian cancers, whose family history or genetic status puts them at an increased risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Provides information about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of IBC (an advanced and accelerated form of breast cancer) as well as personal stories from IBC survivors.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer
Aims to empower women affected by breast cancer to live as long as possible with the best quality of life. Provides specialized programs and services for the newly diagnosed, young women, women with advanced breast cancer, women at high risk for developing the disease, African American and Latina women.
Metastatic Breast Cancer Network
Patient advocacy group dedicated to the unique concerns of the women and men living with metastatic breast cancer. Assist those living with stage IV breast cancer be their own best advocate through providing education and information on treatments and coping with the disease.
National Cancer Institute
The NCI’s Cancer Information Services provides information and free publications to the general public about all aspects of cancer control including prevention, treatment, clinical trials, cancer survivorship, and tobacco cessation.
National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
Resources include the Cancer Survival Toolbox®, Journey Forward (program that promotes clear steps for care and monitoring after active cancer treatment), Information about Your Employment Rights and a Resource Guide.
National Lymphedema Network
Provides information and guidance to lymphedema patients and the general public on the prevention and management of lymphedema.
NCCN Guidelines for Patients
Breast cancer treatment information from one of the most comprehensive and frequently used clinical practice guidelines.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Offers support, breast cancer information and education, including a helpline which provides free professional support services to anyone with breast health and breast cancer concerns.
Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation
Offers free support services to patients and families coping with a diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer.
Young Survival Coalition
Provides support and information for young women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Financial, Insurance, and Co-Payment Services and Information
Cancer Care Co-Payment Assistance Foundation | www.cancercarecopay.org | 1-866-55-COPAY |
Chronic Disease Fund | www.cdfund.org | 1-877-968-7233 |
Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition | www.cancerfac.org | |
Healthwell Foundation | www.healthwellfoundation.org | 1-800-675-8416 |
Needy Meds | www.needymeds.org | |
Partnership for Prescription Assistance | www.pparx.org | 1-888-4PPA-NOW |
Patient Access Network Foundation | https://panfoundation.org | 1-866-316-7263 |
Patient Advocate Foundation | www.copays.org | 1-866-512-3861 |
Patient and Caregiver Support Services
My Cancer Circle | www.mycancercircle.net |
My Lifeline | www.mylifeline.org |
Livestrong Care Plan | www.livestrongcareplan.org |
Journey Forward | www.journeyforward.org |
Cancer and Careers | www.cancerandcareers.org |
This list provides some reliable breast cancer resources. There is much information on the internet but not all is accurate or reliable. False claims about cancer cures, cancer prevention, treatment scams, and cancer misinformation unfortunately can be found online. For more information please go to the National Cancer Institute’s page on Evaluating Online Sources of Cancer Information at www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/cancerlibrary/health-info-online