Ken's Heart Bypass Story

Jun 6, 2019
Heart Patient Ken

Ken has always led an active lifestyle; exercised, non-smoker, not a coffee drinker and cholesterol levels always came back in the normal range. He enjoyed hiking and playing golf. Yet, something was not quite right. Two or three years prior to his open heart surgery, he was having difficulty breathing and blamed his age. It wasn’t until his wife recommended he see his primary care doctor to discuss his symptoms that he sought medical attention. As soon as he saw his primary care doctor, he was immediately referred to Dr. Navin Kedia. Dr. Kedia ordered a series of cardiac tests; revealing 99% blockage in the main artery with 85% and 75% in secondary arteries.

Thanks to the expansive Carondelet Health Network, Ken was rushed from St. Joseph’s Hospital early in the morning to the Carondelet Heart and Vascular Institute at St. Mary’s Hospital where he met his cardiothoracic team. Dr. Derek Von Haag performed open heart surgery, triple bypass which essentially saved his life.

Cardiac Rehabilitation began about a month after his surgery in the hospital. Ken attended rehab, following instructions and going in religiously two or three times per week. Ken improved with each session and the staff was very helpful.

Ken experienced excellent customer service during his care across the network. He compared it to the service he himself provides to his clients at the bank he loves to work at. It seemed as if 20 people were waiting on him all the time. Asking if he was ok and how the pain was. The staff understood his peace of mind was important to his recovery. The way he and his wife had been taken care of, left him feeling as if they received superior care.

Ken has been through a lot and shares his experience and knowledge of heart health with others. It is best to address any medical concerns early and not make any assumptions. The best advice Ken can give to friends, “Get checked today! Don’t wait.”

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